Our offices
If you have a question or comment about our ePOS systems, please contact us.

London, United Kingdom
+44 203 695 9599
Hay’s Lane House, 2nd floor, 1 Hay’s Lane, London, SE1 2HD, United Kingdom
Lightspeed POS UK Ltd.
Private limited company incorporated in England and Wales under registered number 9381839<br>VAT number: GB 213740733

Montreal, Canada
855-300-7108 (Québec)
866-932-1801 (North America)
+1-514-907-1801 (International)
700 St-Antoine Est, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 1A6

Toronto, Canada
866-932-1801 (North America)
49 Spadina Avenue, Suite 403, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 2J1

Ghent, Belgium
+32 9 298 02 73
Raymonde De Larochelaan 15 – B 104, 9051 Gent, Belgium
KBO 0848.672.004
BTW BE0848672004

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+ 31 (0) 20 820 23 91
Haarlemmerweg 331, 1051 LH Amsterdam, Nederland
KvK: 17229470
BTW-nr: NL.819674734.B.01

Paris, France
+33 1 85 08 08 52
87 Rue Saint-Lazare, 75009, Paris, France

Berlin, Germany
+ 49 800 724 45 41
Alex-Wedding-Straße 7, D-10178 Berlin, Germany

Geneva, Switzerland
+ 41 22 700 45 45
Rue du Lac 12, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland

Lausanne, Switzerland
+41 22 700 45 45
Rue de Geneve 21, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland
Belfast, Northern Ireland
+ 44 203 695 9599
40 Linenhall Street, 5th floor, Belfast, UK, BT2 8BA
Providence, USA
866-932-1801 (North America)
225 Dyer Street, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 02903
New York City, USA
866-932-1801 (North America)
460 Park Avenue South, 7th floor, New York City, New York, USA, 10016

Tbilisi, Georgia
King David, 2nd floor, 12 Merab Aleksidze St., Tbilisi, Georgia

Yerevan, Armenia
Bryusov 6, Space Noah Business Center, 5th floor, Yerevan, Armenia
Melbourne, Australia
+612 8599 2247
Ground Floor, 359-361 City Road, Southbank, Melbourne, VIC, 3006, Australia
Sydney, Australia
+612 8599 2247
Level 1/17 Eveleigh Street, Chippendale NSW, 2008 Australia
Auckland, New Zealand
+64 800 453 952
2 Nuffield Street, Newmarket, Auckland, 1023, New Zealand
We’d love to hear from you
Comments, suggestions and questions regarding our point of sale systems.
Marketing - [email protected]
Partners - [email protected]
Billing - [email protected]